Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Reality of Click Bank: A Scam

               There are a lot of scam sites on internet and people may get trap by such sites. We must be aware of such sites and at the same time don't fall into their pit. Today I will expose one of such sites on internet. People get lured my money making websites on internet. Actually you can make money on internet but there are very few options available on world wide web. Since it is very difficult to differentiate between a genuine and fraud site, people usually get cheated by such websites. There are people who have lost a lot of money on these sites.

                 It is a true that people nowadays are more aware and careful on internet and many cheat sites have shut down in recent years due to high level of awareness among people. Due to this , scam sites have change their strategy to fool people. Nowadays most fraud sites would not ask you the money to become their member. Instead they will make you work on their site or promote certain products or affiliate links and promise you certain amount of money when people buy these products or visit any such affiliate links. One of such sites that cheat you and take back your hard earned money is known by the name of Click Bank.

                   A lot of people may have heard about the site called Click Bank. It claims to be a seller market place for digital products like E-books, music, software etc. Initially you may find this site genuine and may get attracted to it. Though the vendors(creators of digital goods) of Click Bank appear to be genuine and real people, but the reality is that most digital products on Click Bank are crap and useless digital stuff and at the same time very costly. Most digital products on Click Bank are over hyped and there is a high level of marketing and a bunch of lies to sell these digital products. Any one can sell digital products of Click Bank. All you have to do is to sign up to their site and they will give you a unique affiliate link which can be posted anywhere on internet including your website. Click Bank claims that if anyone visit these affiliate link and buy digital products, you will get a certain fixed commission on sale of these digital stuffs.

               Based on my experience I am telling you that you would not be able to make any money from these crap and useless digital goods because it is very difficult to sell them. Even if you manage to sell some of these digital goods which may happen since there are many products on Click Bank that deceive people due to high level of marketing and lies about these products. Now let us assume that you manage to sell certain digital stuffs. You may be happy that finally you manage to make some money. But this scam and fraud company is very clever and shrewd and they will make it extremely difficult for you to get back your money. I don't want to go into details into all sorts of terms and conditions imposed by Click Bank as far as payment is concerned. But their policies does not allow you to get paid in most of the cases. Instead they will take back your money on some pretext or the other. Click Bank dormant account policy states that if you do not make any sales for a certain period of time they will forfeit the money from your account if there is any balance in it as a result of sales you have made.

               Affiliate marketers do manage to sell certain Click Bank products but they don't get paid because there are too many conditions in order to get paid. On the other had Click Bank make money in many ways. They charge one time fee from parent sellers(creators) of digital products. Every time a digital product in sold, they take back their commission fees. They also make money through fraud means from affiliate marketer (actual seller).

             In the end I would only suggest you to keep yourself away from scam sites like Click Bank and don't waste your time and money on such sites.

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